Nocturnal enuresis in children between laser acupuncture and medical treatment: a comparative study.
Alsharnoubi J, Sabbour AA, Shoukry AI, Abdelazeem AMLasers Med Sci. 2017 Jan;32(1):95-99. doi: 10.1007/s10103-016-2090-9. Epub 2016 Oct 15. PMID: 27744492.
In dieser Studie konnte kindliches Bettnässen durch Laser-Akupunktur nach 3 Monaten bei 73.3% der Patienten geheilt werden, während eine Kontrollgruppe mit Desmopressin nur bei 20 % der Kinder Erfolge aufwies. Alle Kinder hatten zusätzlich Ratschläge zur Verhaltenstherapie bekommen.
Nocturnal enuresis (NE) is intermittent involuntary voiding during sleep in a child aged 5 years or more. The study was conducted to compare the effect of using laser acupuncture and medication for the treatment of children with nocturnal enuresis (NE) and evaluation of urodynamic parameter after treatment. A randomized study included 45 children ranged from 5 to 15 years presenting with NE. They were randomized into three equal groups-group A, managed with desmopressin acetate; group B, managed with laser acupuncture; and group C, managed with a combination of laser acupuncture and desmopressin-all groups received behavioral therapy. The children were evaluated before and after 3 months of the study to record the efficacy of therapy, side effects and bladder capacity, and 3 months of follow-up after cessation of treatment by bladder diary. A statistically significant higher cure rate was reported in group B patients (73.3 %), while in groups A and C, improvement was reported in 20.0 and 13.3 %, respectively (p value = 0.002). Laser acupuncture is noninvasive, painless tool, with no side effects and lower recurrence rate which can be considered as an alternative therapy for patients with NE.